Friday, 20 June 2014

My answer to my son, on the question he disn't ask.

So many wonderful articles have been written already in the last few days. Far it be from me to "catch a ride" - pun intended - on these days. My intention is not to promote my blog. Bu there are energies in the air that cannot be ignored, and words beg to be said.
I like politics enough to keep up with it, but not enough to create my own words on it. Just one thing - the last few days showed very clearly, once again, who is who. It's very symbolic that on the eve of Parashat Korach some people are again trying to separate from the whole, which they refuse to recognize,  and even lay blame where only praise should go.  How unfortunate. And I don't even mean the delusional lefties, who blame the settlers and the settlements, instead of recognizing that if not for the settlers, the terrorists would be much closer..    Saying that the boys got kidnapped because of the draft law fits very well with the fanatics'  warped logic, and again shifts the focus onto them, as if the other Jews didn't exist. They need new glasses, amen. They're out talit that's all tchelet, too holy to be adequate.
But on the other hand - it's the first time since I've been in Israel, and I'm talking about almost 19 years, I see the whole nation uniting. It's pretty impossible to unite Jews - as we know, from the Biblical times and till now. 2 Jews have 3 opinions, and this is the synagogue we don't go to. But today - we are all brothers. We call each other "achi" and we mean it. There is a food drive for the soldiers and the candle lighting campaign, and pages created, and songs are written... Everybody is praying. Religious and secular alike do a good deed a day for the merit of the boys. A prayer rally on Rabin square in TA... who would've thought that possible. I see so much kindness and caring these days, that my breath catches in my throat. Jews stand united like never before. I feel so lucky and privileged to have lived to see this, to belong, to be one of the much greater Us.
I was at the Shuk in Jerusalem last Sunday. The atmosphere was that of tish'a be-av. The sellers weren't screaming, and the customers weren't taking pictures. Hush-hush, buy your veg and run back to check the news, again. Did they find them?
There were about 7 people dancing zumba, instead of 25, after last shabbat. The rest, I think, were crying and praying. The energy wasn't the same. Everybody, everybody is feeling it. They really are - our sons. Everybody's. Just the name of the army campaign makes me cry.

So that's the thing - we are all pretty good at putting away our own troubles, and smiling, and carrying on as if nothing. How are you? - Fine. And run on.  But when the trouble is somebody else's - we cannot be silent. We cannot just sit and watch and ignore. When Madeline McCain got kidnapped - did you see the British organize a campaign? Now imagine what would happen if she was Israeli. The whole world knows that Israel rescues Jews who are in need... the gentiles in Ukraine would say to me, you're so lucky! You've got your own country to go to! As if Ukraine is not their own country. What they meant is - how lucky are the people to have a country that stands up for you. That cares. For every single citizen. And not citizen, too. 
And that's both our strength and our downfall. When I see another Jew doing something wrong - or which I perceive as wrong - I'm boiling inside!  Your baby is cold/hungry/tired! How dare you?? Don't wear that - it's not tzanua! Don't eat that! Don't drive there! How could my brother/sister believe such crap! We care so much that we get all passionate and create conflict  and division where there should be none. The source of division between the Jews is that caring, that no other nation has. We are really, really one. Even when we yell and curse at each other over trivialities. Because only brothers do that.
But that's also my answer to my children. Everybody's children are afraid, find it difficult to sleep, cling onto the parents who are afraid no less. Mine, too, even if they don't say so.  They see their parents crying and praying.. what do you say to a child who asks, mommy, what if I get kidnapped? I'm not going to say, God will protect you, because why didn't He protect the boys?
So my answer is, son, do you see what Klal Yisrael is doing for these boys? Until last week there was nothing unusual about them, they're just boys. And now they're our nation's symbol of unity. Son, they would do exactly the same thing for you.  Klal Yisrael will leave no stone unturned, spare no money or effort,  to find you and save you. The whole nation, army and just regular Jews, is behind you. And it's a huge thing to have growing up.
May we see the true redemption in the merit of this unity, and may the brave mothers have their sons back safely, now. Shabbat shalom, and don't forget to light early in the merit of the boys.