When the cord is cut,
When the purple turns pink,
When the baby breathes and cries,
In the hushed silence
From the hot tears of joy,
Another cord is formed.
From heart to heart,
Sealed with blood,
A cord you can tug.
Until my grave and beyond,
I will beg and cry,
I will storm the gates,
A mother’s heart
Shall never rest.
Standing before Him,
With only one thought:
May the world be kind to you.
May every kindness you do,
Return to you tenfold.
May every good thought of mine,
Every good deed,
Be a blessing drawn to you,
Showered upon you,
Be a chance for you to do good.
When I stop for a tiny tot
Dragging his schoolbag,
I ask, may the other drivers see my children.
And may you always see other people’s children
Just in perfect time.
When I step aside to give way,
I think, may people recognize your needs.
And may you always recognize and honour theirs.
May you never be called upon to be a hero,
May you hear and be heard,
See and be seen,
Have validation and support,
Love and understanding.
May the Holy Land wrap you in its protection.
When I silence my objection,
To honour the other,
When I put myself aside,
When I swim through the abyss,
I ask, may your life be meaningful without suffering,
May you find meaning in joy,
May He scare you but never punish you,
May no darkness descend upon you,
May you offer Him full baskets,
Blessings of the Land, bathed in gratitude.
May your years be measured fully,
May you see the children of your children,
Five generation ahead.
May my prayers ring true
In front of the Holy One.
Reject not a mother’s heart,
For my own cord is only attached to You.