- -
Move over, you’re blocking
my view!-
Of the future, - he added.
- -
I have been sitting up here
For three thousand years,
Maybe four.
She shrugged her hills
And didn’t budge an inch.
- -
And who may you be, sir?
- -
What makes you think,
He persisted, -
That some piles of old
Ruins and dust,
Your long outskirts,
A few donkey-wide streets,
The infinite bloodshed and prayer,
Of hordes of obstinate bigots, -
Are of any use today?
He puffed out smoke,
Rudely scratching his dunes,
Adjusted his chimneys,
And leaned back to listen.
- -
Dear newcomer,
She was shaking with fury, -
Tel Aviv, - he corrected.
- -
Whoever you may…
- -
I am a hundred years young!
He insisted.
- -
Would you please be still
for a moment?
- -
I cannot, - he protested. -
I shan’t ever stop moving,
Dancing and walking,
Grooving and biking…
Hey, are you sleeping again?
Hey, are you sleeping again?
- -
My streets have never stopped
Prayers and memories,
Spirits and rabbis, -
Sacred and pure,
The quivering air
Upholding the hope,
Of generations…
- -
Poor lady, oh no…
Have you ever heard of equality?
Marching for freedoms,
Liberal values,
End occupation,
This is what matters,
Gain some awareness…
- -
Where’s that written?
- -
In our Independence, -
What? You don’t know?
- -
Which volume of Talmud? -
She was getting impatient. -
Letters of fire
Floating on parchment.
Crowns and vowels,
Sang out loud,
Voices of prophets,
Ringing Truth in your ears…
- -
Says who? - laughed the
- -
What? You don’t know?
They argue and argue,
Year after year,
Through storms and the rockets,
Heatwaves and swelter,
Neighbours forever,
Infinite rivals,
Tel Aviv and Jerusalem,
Polar opposite cities.