The Serpent sneaked the cards
From God's pocket.
A tail flip tossed the cards
High into the air.
One card cleaved the sky
Letting out unbridled heat.
Another card dulled the wits
Of the power-wielders.
One hit the foundations
Of the Earth's core
And confused them.
Dams burst forth,
Fires engulfed the land.
One more flipped open
The lower Astral door.
A card severed the masks
Keeping the lies inviolable.
Deceit oozed out
Smearing the Chariot.
The Tower shuddered
Calling to the Sun and the Moon.
Until God's own Hand
Caught the spinning deck
Flying asunder
Stabilized the Wheel
Gagged the Serpent
And rolled him up
Into a Throne of Judgement.
Urged the Truth to grow forth
Offering shade
Of figs and olives
Blessed by the Land.
The shackles of irony
Dropped off the City of Peace,
And ever so slowly,
Daring to trust,
We suckled the honey
Of the flowers
On the Tree of Life.